Vitamins for eustachian tube dysfunction

My colleague has had this problem off and on for years, and initially assumed it was due to allergies. However, after discovering a thyroid issue this past year, they learned that Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) can be related to hypothyroidism. Even after starting thyroid hormone treatment, the ETD persisted.

Driven to find relief, my colleague researched extensively online. The ETD was extremely annoying, causing a constant need to yawn or swallow to avoid a clogged feeling in the ears, which also led to muffled hearing. Sometimes, even clearing their ears didn’t help. At its worst, they couldn’t clear their ears at all.

They managed to alleviate many of their other thyroid symptoms with vitamins and minerals. Research indicated that low thyroid function can cause deficiencies in various nutrients due to malabsorption and the inability to metabolize and convert vitamins into their active forms. Specifically, those with hypothyroidism often can’t convert beta-carotene into the active form of vitamin A that the body needs.

While hunting for information on the relationship between the Eustachian tube and vitamins, they found some relevant studies in animals, though nothing directly about humans. These studies highlighted vitamin A deficiency.

In the ear, air is constantly being lost from the ear cavity through the soft tissues by a process not fully understood. If these soft tissues are too thin or porous, air loss happens faster than normal, which may be a key issue for many with ETD. The Eustachian tube’s lining can become sticky if the soft tissue is compromised. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining the epithelial lining of soft tissues in the Eustachian tubes, ears, nose, throat, and eyes. Without enough vitamin A, these tissues become scaly, dry, and inflexible. In the ears, this can mean the Eustachian tubes get stuck closed or open, and the air in the ear cavity is lost faster, causing abnormal pressure changes.

They found a vitamin A supplement (retinyl acetate 5,000 IU) and started taking it daily. Remarkably, it worked immediately, and their ears have been clear for the past three days! I know it’s only been a short time, but after struggling with this for so long, three days of relief feels incredible to them. They wanted to share this discovery in case it helps anyone else.

Additionally, they take a low dose of zinc and copper supplements. Zinc helps transport vitamin A throughout the body, and without sufficient zinc, vitamin A won’t be effective. Copper is also important to take with zinc and plays a crucial role in the formation of soft tissue.

Hope this information is helpful!

thank you for sharing this detailed information! I’ve been dealing with similar Eustachian Tube Dysfunction symptoms, and reading about your colleague’s experience with vitamin A and other supplements is really encouraging. I’m definitely going to look into this approach and see if it might help me as well. I appreciate you taking the time to share this—it’s incredibly helpful!