Sphincterotomy recovery

Hello everyone,

I’ve received a recommendation to “seriously consider” undergoing a Sphincterotomy procedure following an unsuccessful attempt with Botox injections. Despite being scheduled for a second round of Botox, my consultant has strongly advised me to opt for the “risky” operation. The potential risk, according to him, includes the possibility of developing incontinence, which is a source of significant concern for me.

I’m reaching out to inquire if anyone has undergone this procedure before. If so, I’m curious about the recovery time and whether it effectively addressed the issue without resulting in incontinence.

Thank you in advance for any insights you can provide.

Prioritize your well-being. Gather info, discuss concerns with your consultant, and seek second opinions. Your health journey is unique, so take your time to make an informed decision aligned with your goals. Wishing you clarity and success in your path to wellness.

It might be helpful to seek multiple opinions from different medical professionals to make an informed decision. Recovery time and outcomes can vary, so discussing your specific concerns and medical history with specialists could provide valuable insights.