Severe Monthly IBS Flare-Ups: Seeking Insights

I’ve been experiencing flare-ups about once a month, and my symptoms seem different from what I’ve read here. I have IBS with constipation, and during an attack, I can’t identify a specific food that triggers it. I describe it as a trapped gas attack. The pain starts very low in my rectum and groin area, and it’s extremely sharp and intense. It feels like I need to have a bowel movement or pass gas, but I’m usually unable to do either. The pain then spreads to my entire abdomen, making it impossible to find a comfortable position. I can’t stand, sit, or lie down without severe discomfort, though lying down offers some relief. Despite trying various remedies like Motrin 800, Tylenol, liquid Mylanta, hyoscyamine, and Xanax for the anxiety caused by the pain, nothing has worked. I ended up in the ER last night to rule out appendicitis, which thankfully it wasn’t. I managed to have two bowel movements, but they didn’t provide any relief. The pain is so intense that moving causes even more agony, leaving me almost bedridden. I’m looking for others who might have similar symptoms because I don’t experience cramping or diarrhea, just sharp, stabbing gas pains. It’s leading to depression as nothing seems to alleviate the pain, and I’m feeling very frustrated.

i’m sorry to hear you’re going through such a tough time. that sounds incredibly painful and frustrating. it’s tough when symptoms don’t match what you read about, and it can make you feel really isolated. you’re definitely not alone in this, and there are probably people in this community who can relate to your experience.
have you thought about reaching out to others here? they might have some insights or tips that could help. sometimes sharing our stories makes it easier to find new solutions! :slight_smile: