Lysine works for coldsore (for me)

For years, I suffered from frequent cold sores, experiencing outbreaks almost monthly. The constant worry and anxiety about them significantly impacted my life. Doctor visits didn’t provide a solution. However, after trying L-Lysine consistently, I’ve seen a dramatic improvement. It took a few months, but now I rarely get cold sores – only about 3 in the past year compared to twice a month previously. L-Lysine has empowered me to live freely without the fear of outbreaks. I can now enjoy late nights, vacations, and anything life throws my way. While it requires daily commitment and isn’t the most affordable supplement (especially outside of sales), the benefits far outweigh the cost. If you’re struggling with frequent cold sores, I highly recommend giving L-Lysine a try. It truly made a difference for me!

I suffered for years until I found relief through consistent use of this supplement. While it may take time and commitment, the results are worth it. +1 on L-Lysine

If you’re struggling with frequent cold sores, consider trying L-Lysine consistently. It took a few months for me to see results, but now I rarely get outbreaks. Though it requires daily commitment and can be pricey, the freedom it brings from constant worry is worth it. Give it a shot – it changed my life!