Unable to upload images to diary check in. App is up to date.
Do you have version 4.3?
I can confirm the fix in v4.3 works!
I’ve tried to add/edit/delete in multiple ways. Quick check-in, Normal Check-in. With and without photo. Editing with and without photo.
They all work OK for me in v4.3
Regards David.
I have the latest update as well, but no, it is still not allowing me to post any photos.
What is exactly going wrong?
Can you select a image? Does the app have the rights?
Did you check if you have version 4.3?
How do you Check-in? From the TodayScreen (that is a Quick Check-in that had a bug) or from the Check-in button in the middle?
Did you try both ways? And did you have the same issue with bith ways?
Regards David
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