I was diagnosed with Stage 3 COPD about 5 1/2 years ago, which, as many of you likely know, is considered moderate to severe. I’ve labeled this post as being diagnosed with end-stage COPD because, at the time, I had 30% lung function. Based on my symptoms now, I believe my lung function has dropped to 29% or less. I have another test scheduled for 8-16-17, but I’m feeling so depressed about this disease that I don’t even want to go. I fear the test will just confirm what I already know—that I’m facing a death sentence—and it feels like one more thing to worry about.
Does anyone else feel like getting the test is unnecessary, or that it wouldn’t change anything if it confirms my lung function is below 29%? My primary care physician mentioned a newer inhaler that could help reduce flare-ups, but I’d need to see a pulmonologist to get it. Honestly, if it weren’t for that new inhaler, I don’t think I’d bother with the test. Does anyone else with COPD feel the same way?