Anxiety and Skipped Beats

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the multiple posts today. Anxiety and skipped heartbeats have been rough lately, both acting up for weeks now (even on and off for years!). Feeling overwhelmed today, but trying to stay strong . Debating taking a Klonopin to manage the anxiety, but hoping to find other solutions too.

No pressure to reply, but just wanted to vent a bit. Frustrating not knowing why these symptoms keep coming back. Doc says it’s anxiety-related and therapy could help. Had a fantastic therapist who retired, but just started seeing a new one. Fingers crossed! Thanks for letting me share.

Dealing with anxiety and physical symptoms like skipped heartbeats can be incredibly challenging. Remember, it’s okay to seek support, whether it’s through medication like Klonopin or exploring other solutions like therapy.
Hey there,

First off, it’s brave of you to share what you’re going through. Dealing with anxiety and physical symptoms like skipped heartbeats can be incredibly challenging. Remember, it’s okay to seek support, whether it’s through medication like Klonopin or exploring other solutions like therapy. Finding the right therapist can make a huge difference, so give yourself some time to adjust to your new therapist. Stay strong!

Hey, no need to apologize for reaching out. Dealing with anxiety and skipped heartbeats can be really tough, especially when they’ve been acting up for weeks or even years. Feeling overwhelmed is completely understandable, but it’s great that you’re trying to stay strong.

Considering taking a Klonopin to manage the anxiety is a valid option, but exploring other solutions is important too. Venting can be really helpful, so feel free to express how you’re feeling. It’s frustrating not knowing why these symptoms keep coming back, but your doctor’s suggestion of therapy could offer some valuable insights and support. Starting with a new therapist might feel daunting, but hopefully, they’ll be able to provide the guidance and tools you need. Hang in there, and thanks for sharing with us.